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Science on the Fly

River Gains

  • Advanced river data for the Big Wood River



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Partnership with Science on the Fly

We are excited to announce our partnership with Science on the Fly, an organization committed to uniting the fly fishing community with river scientists worldwide. Water quality on the Big Wood has historically been understudied, so this data will help us more accurately monitor and collect data for river health. 

What does this partnership entail?

We've received water quality monitoring kits to monitor eight total testing sites along the Big Wood River and its tributaries. We'll take the samples and send them back to SOTF to test in their lab, providing real and accurate data on the following factors: 

  • PH levels

  • Dissolved oxygen

  • Nutrient content

  • Pollutants

What we'll do with the data: 

We'll be sharing this data publicly on our website and with our partners to make more informed decisions for the Big Wood River. With accurate data, we can proactively address emerging threats and work closely with local organizations to implement targeted conservation strategies.

We need you:

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