We've heard from many concerned community members about the Kilpatrick Bridge over Silver Creek and wanted to get to the bottom of the issues. In talking to the working groups involved as well as The Nature Conservancy and the Save Silver Creek Alliance, we've highlighted a summary below surrounding the proposed remodel.
Please take the time to read through the details so you can leave a public comment before Nov. 17th, 2023 as their design plans need to be finalized this coming spring. This is an opportunity for the public to ensure their voice is heard. We also included an editable email template that you can simply copy/paste 👉 pre-written email response here.
Summary of the Remodel:
The Kilpatrick Bridge is being replaced due to failing infrastructure. Download details from the October 19 meeting here.
Construction of the new bridge is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2025.
Comments about the Kilpatrick Bridge project will be accepted until Nov. 17, 2023, as they need to submit plans in the spring. Comments can be submitted directly to the Public Involvement Specialist, Sarah Beardsley sarahb@bionom.com.
The new bridge will be 108' x 28', considerably larger than the existing structure. This will allow more room for pedestrians on the bridge with cars passing through, increasing safety and ADA access. The bridge will not have a center pylon, and the abutments will be considerably larger. The current parking area will get a new layout and the bathroom will remain. Project plans and concepts can be found on the Blaine County website, or see design concepts from the Oct. 19th meeting, download here.
To accommodate this new bridge, existing access points will have to be shifted on the conservancy side as well as the ADA access downstream of the bridge. Save Silver Creek Alliance hopes to be able to move the ADA access structure with the new bridge layout, and The Nature Conservancy is committed to improving the backside float tube walk-in and duck blind access. The access points will be in the general location they are now but once again shifted to allow for the new bridge construction.
While we cannot say precisely where public access points will be, the working groups involved in construction - TNS, SSCA, Blaine County, Keller Associates, and LHTAC - are all committed to ensuring public access remains available and accessible.
For further information or concerns, please get in touch with Lou Lunte at The Nature Conservancy, directly for the most up-to-date information: silvercreek@tnc.org.
Public Comment Email Template
Copy/paste this text, edit as needed, and click send
Send to: Sarah Beardsley sarahb@bionom.com.
Subject: Concerns Regarding Public Access in Kilpatrick Bridge Redesign
I am writing as a concerned community member regarding the proposed redesign for the Kilpatrick Bridge. While I understand the need for updates, I am apprehensive about the potential loss of public access upstream and downstream of the bridge via footpaths and float tubes.
Maintaining established public access points to the waterway is crucial to our entire community, which relies on this access for recreational and professional reasons. Before construction begins or plans are finalized, please ensure access is preserved as it currently is during and after bridge construction.
I appreciate your time and consideration in addressing these concerns before finalizing the construction plans. Please provide clarity on how public access will be preserved and consider alternatives that balance the bridge's functionality with minimal environmental impact.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
[Your Full Name]
